Now aday in the business processing of some companys in some fields are made a lot of different arguments that cause disputes on the purchase for sale in the commodity, Intellectual Property to Resolving disputes will take time and money, LegalBot was developeda and lready exists as a professional legal assistant law and World's First AI Smart Contract Lawyer used Blockchain and the law of the LegalBot is the change of the legal job.
LBOT is an erc-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. At one point of time between Q2-Q4, the token is going to migrate to its own blockchain. The new blockchain will adopt the PoS (Proof of Stake) protocol, and it will allow people to own a masternode. Masternodes will be available for anyone with over 200,000 LBOT tokens. LegalBot is the world's first AI smart contract lawyer, helping clients in drafting legal smart contracts for cross-border businesses. With the power of artificial intelligence and our unique user-friendly interface, LBOT collects information from its clients, perform automated global search of relevant cases, carry out due diligence review, and presents efficient and error free legal smart contract with ultimate goal in strengthening and enhancing international business transactions.
Role of LegalBot Support
With the power of artificial intelligence and our unique user-friendly interface, Lbot collects information from its clients, perform automated global search of relevant cases, carry out due diligence review, and presents efficient and error free legal smart contract with ultimate goal in strengthening and enhancing international business transactions.LegalBot offers legal smart contracts service to most industries that are interested in international business transactions. Examples of international contracts provided by Lbot are international turnkey contracts, sale of goods contracts, intellectual property contracts, non-disclosure agreements, mergers and acquisitions agreements, distribution agreements, purchase and sales contracts and much more.As a lawyer and corporate legal personnel, LegalBot can support you in drafting your contracts efficiently.LegalBot also helps business owners to reduce friction of international business interactions.
Token Details
LBOT is an ERC20 token built on Ethereum blockchain. All distributions of the token will be handled by LBOT smart contract.
StartApril 20, 2018 (9:00AM GMT)
Number of tokens for airdrop1,000,000,000 LBOT
EndJune 30, 2018 (9:00AM GMT)
Tokens exchange rate1 ETH = 100,000 LBOT
Minimal transaction amount0.1 ETH
Acceptable currenciesETH
Every participant will receive 10,000 LBOT tokens10,000 LBOT = $50
You want to buy LBOT Tokens?Token exchange rate: 100,000 per ETHMinimum purchase of LBOT: 0.10 ETHAfter sent ETH to LegalBot ETH address LBOT tokens will be sent directly to the ETH addresses used for purchase within 5 days of the transactions.
I would not recommend anyone to invest in the LegalBot project at the moment, as there are too many red flags. There is currently no information about the technical development and aspects, as the whitepaper has not been released. There is no proof that the team members exist and with no evidence of neither the code behind the project or the team that is making it makes one suspicious of the intentions of the project. Additionally, the airdrop of up to 10% of the supply has led to a vast selling pressure, which further diminishes the value of the token.
For more information, please click the link below :
Website : http://legalbot.co/
Whitepaper : http://legalbot.co/#roadmap
Telegram : https://t.me/legalbot_aibot
Twitter : https://twitter.com/legalbot_ai
Email : support@legalbot.co
BountyOx Username : wahyuuwayy
This article was created in exchange for a potential token reward through Bounty0x
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